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All your retro SCSI and PCB needs in one place. New stuff for old tech.
PCB Stock Levels

This is our stock level page to help buyers to see our current stock. Since this is a hobby site please understand that we have a FULL TIME job and so while we will do our best, sometimes stock might run out. Stock is based on the PCB levels we have so since the stock is also used across regions so we don’t have different stock levels for UK or EU/Rest of the world buyers.
Also this is not real time but we will do our best to regularly update this page. This is useful for buyers looking to make multiple purchases as if there is only a single board in stock and you purchase multiple, there might be a dispatch delay. Some things like the Raspberry Pi Pico’s can go out of stock at reseller sites so please be patient on these since its out of our control. You can always purchase “board only” kits and supply your own Pico.

All the Amiga pages have their stock count shown above the price. (Amiga Sales).

BlueSCSI V2 Desktop Stock : 28
BlueSCSI V2 DB25 Mini Stock : 7
BlueSCSI V2 Powerbook Stock : 7
PicoGUS Stock : 4
PicoMEM Stock : 18